Elegant Designs and Unparallel Safety: The SS trolley is sleek and ergonomically designed to fit in the environment created for healing the patient. The cart is designed and manufactured that ensures has edges rounded.
Ease to manoeuvre and Comfort to Caregiver: The SS cart moves on a high endurance, anti static durable castors making it easy to move around in the emergency area with ease. Castors have the provision of locking them.
Germ Free Environment: The trolley is made of SS 304 buffed with round edges. The trolley is resilient, resists corrosion, simple to maintain ensuring maximum hygiene.
Storage Space: The SS trolley has two shelves made of completely SS with safety and raised edges on all four sides. The trolley is provided with a bin with a lid and a bowl on top for storing medicines and disposables.
Compliance to International Standards: The SS Trolley is designed after doing research and complying to multiple international standards and feedbacks from the doctors/users.